Hormone Friendly Dandyblend Iced “coffee”

I think most new mothers can agree that the lack of sleep that comes with having a new baby is one of the worst parts of postpartum life. Over time, my morning coffee became two morning coffees, and then that turned into two morning coffees and an afternoon coffee, and things just started to get out of control. The coffee wasn’t making me feel any less tired and instead, it was just further disrupting the sleep I was getting and making the postpartum anxiety 10 times worse. But you don’t need to be a mother to have a coffee addiction or hormonal symptoms that are just not responding well to your coffee habits. Coffee isn’t necessarily always bad but it can become a crutch that can make us feel worse over time if we aren't tuning into the signs our body is giving us.

Dandyblend is a herbal coffee substitute that I’ve loved for years that does not contain any caffeine but has a very similar taste to coffee which makes it a great swap. It has been helping me so much in cutting down on my daily caffeine intake. I’ve shared my recipe for a warm Dandyblend latte many times on Instagram but lately, I’ve been doing this refreshing iced version that is so creamy and delicious.


  • 2 tbsp Dandyblend

  • 2 cups filtered water

  • 1 tbsp cashew butter or 6-7 raw cashews

  • dash of vanilla extract

  • dash of maple syrup (optional)

  • dash of Ceylon cinnamon (option)

  • Ice

Directions: Into a blender, add all ingredients except the ice and blend until smooth and frothy. Pour over ice into a tall glass & enjoy!


Hospital Bag Essentials